
I want to begin by saying our mission and our work is spiritually guided rather than religious and is inclusive of all.

Our story began with a spiritual experience, a visitation from Mother Mary. She has been helping humanity for centuries. Realizing this world has many perceptions, she presents herself as both spiritual and religious. Her love and guidance touch our hearts with comfort and surety that we are loved and supported divinely. She has presented herself in times of need with messages for world peace. She comes to us now to encourage a deep awareness of the divine within, and to support our experience of greater meaning in life.  She is encouraging spiritual growth, raising awareness, and lifting the vibration of this planet for peace and love. Through Mary’s channeled guidance, LoveLight PURE Healing and Illumination system was developed and began evolving in 2010.

We all share a common thread, a shared light, a connection within each of us as divine spiritual and physical beings. Our work is to support the human experience in recognizing and accessing the light held within self, to be the best self can be. Through our channeled self-development light courses and light healing sessions, we are bringing through opportunity for illuminating mind body spirit and soul for wellness and transformation.

We are grateful to be sharing these illuminations of Love and Light.

Blessings, Cheryl

‘mary’s vibration’ by emily medri